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Zu Besuch bei Mo & Mum


You live in Berlin, but where are you coming from and why Berlin?
M: I was born in Poland but past 10 years I've been moving around Europe. I've lived in Ireland, Cyprus and The Netherlands before ending up in Berlin. Why Berlin? I've never felt so much freedom and tolerance in any other place Ive lived in. This probably sounds cliche but Berlin really let's you be however you want to be! it's so refreshing not having to try to fit in. 

Your self-made wallhangings are amazing! When did you started doing them? Where did you learn to weave?
M: I've started making wallhangings about a year ago. I've told myself weaving and macrame from the scratch since I couldn't find any workshops about it. 

You are selling your wallhangings and planthangers on markets and via Etsy. Where is your farthest client from?

I've sold most of my weavings to USA and also a few to Japan. It makes me so happy to know that my work spoke to somebody from a different part of world, often from really far away. 

You’re organizing workshops, where and when we could find them?
M: I've been teaching weaving on a regular basis since June. You can find information about it on my Facebook page: weavingbln or on my Instagram account @moandmum.

Are the Berliners are talented hand crafters?

M:I find Berliners to be very crafty and resourceful! I've never in my life met so many talented people, honestly, it's probably the most creative place i lived in. At the same time it doesn't feel pretentious at all, rather laid back, relaxed. 

How long does it take you to make a huge wallhanging? 
M: I am quite impatient and find it hard to focus on one task at a time! Therefore I can work on one piece for two to three days while watching documentaries, dying yarn, knotting macrame or making collages! Some say I have a bit of ADHD, I think I'm just a multitasker! 

Your flat is an urban jungle! How many plants do you have? Have you ever counted them? Could you imagine to live without any plants? What’s your special advice that all plants survive?  
M: I am addicted to plants, seriously. I can't imagine living without them. I have even planted a veggie garden on my balcony last summer! Last time I counted then I had  a 100 of green friends ´hehe´ most of them are succulents tho, so my apartment is not overcrowded, actually there's still space for more! I think the worst thing you can do is to overwater your plants. Make sure your pots have the drainage holes, that's crucial for their well being! Also, don't neglect them, have a little chat with them here and there :) 

What are your plans for the next year?

M: I'm planning to go to Australia for a few months next year and focus on teaching various workshops as well as creating a large scale textile pieces. Also, I want to dive deeper into botanical dying and maybe spinning my own yarn. I'm fascinated by the slow and mindful processes of handdying and spinning. I reckon that today it's more important than ever to slow down, buy less and support local! Im proud to say that I live in the city which does exactly that. 


Hier findest ihr Monika: Etsy / Instagram / Facebook /

Diese Homestory ist zusammen mit Etsy Deutschland entstanden. Wir waren für diese Reihe außerdem bei Ranipink in Hannover und bei Alex Bender in Berlin